Copley, Ohio
On November 14th, Summit Construction joined Copley High School in celebration of the groundbreaking for their Stadium Renovation Project. Summit Construction was selected as CMR for the project which includes a new 15,590 SF field house, press box and stadium bleacher seating. Construction crews hit the ground running the day after the ceremony, beginning with the unbolting and demolition of the bleachers.

December was an active month on site, with the removal of the bleacher foundations completed the first week. Soon after, the building pad was excavated to proper elevations and set for foundations, and foundation work has now begun. Work inside the existing school for data connections to the new Field House and press box has also begun.

Keep up with the progress for the Copley High School Stadium Renovation by following Summit on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. Summit Construction is honored to serve Copley High School for this exciting project!